Innovation and Learning to Manage Diversity in Governance
Raoul Blindenbacher (Ed.)
Volume 6 presents the Governmental Learning Spiral©, the CONVIVENZA Foundation’s method to enhance innovation and learning, to manage diversity in governance. It describes the method’s fundamentals and their application in a seminar about learning from two decades of protection of autochthonous people without their own state. The seminar was based on a survey conducted in collaboration with EURAC Research about the impact of the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The book includes the lessons learned from the seminar participants representing different people from 15 European countries. CONVIVENZA, the International Center for Minorities, is a Swiss non-profit foundation. It offers non-partisan expertise and a dialogue platform to develop and implement solutions for minority and diversity issues.
Embracing Differences
Wertschätzung des Andersseins
Raoul Blindenbacher/Daniel Thürer (Eds.)
There are virtually no politically motivated conflicts today that are not affected by disagreements among minorities and majorities. The contributions in this book form a kaleidoscope of views, opinions and scientific reflections. They provide a comprehensive and up to date overview of the complexity of the task of minority protection in Switzerland and worldwide.
Es gibt heute kaum einen politisch motivierten Konflikt, der nicht aus Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen Minderheiten und Mehrheiten hervorgeht. Das vorliegende Buch ist ein Kaleidoskop von Ansichten, Meinungen und wissenschaftlichen Abhandlungen zum Thema. Das Werk erlaubt einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über die Komplexität des Minderheitenschutzes in der Schweiz und weltweit.
Repräsentativität und kulturelle Autonomie
Aktuelle Probleme der autochthonen Völker und der nationalen Minderheiten
Thürer Daniel/Arquint Romedi (Eds.)
Wo liegen die Grenzen der kulturellen Autonomie von nationalen Minderheiten? Der rechtliche und politische Status von zahlreichen Völker- und Sprachgruppen sowie deren Repräsentanz und Legitimität gibt immer wieder Anlass zur Diskussion. Diese Publikation umfasst einzelne Beiträge namhafter Sprachwissenschaftler, die im Dezember 2011 im Rahmen des Seminars der Stiftung Convivenza - Internationales Zentrum für Minder-heiten und der Europäischen Akade-mie Bozen EURAC im Grossratssaal in Chur teilgenommen haben.
Die Beiträge beleuchten aktuelle Fragen der Minderheitenpolitik und fokussieren auf grundsätzliche Aspekte der kulturellen Autonomie und insbesondere der Sprachplanung.
International Protection of Minorities
Challenges in Practice and Doctrine
Thürer Daniel (Ed.)
The Europa Institute at the University of Zurich and the Swiss Institute of International Studies have organized, in 2010, a conference and a ceremonial act to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe. The event took place at the University of Zurich under the auspices of the Swiss Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. This volume contains contributions of international experts which discuss the minority protection system as it exists today and possible ways to advance it in future. It also assembles various scientific texts concerned with promising models for the management of societies’ diversity. This publication has as its objective to be a framework and source of inspiration for broader discussions on problems of minoirity protection in international relations and in international law.
Models of Autonomy?
Case Studies of Minority Regimes in Hungary and French Polynesia
Burri Thomas
Linguistic-cultural or religious autonomy and other forms of federal organization are particularly appropriate to promote the harmonious coexistence of peoples. When and in what ways is autonomy appropriate, though? These are the questions that Thomas Burri seeks to answer.
His original idea of a model of autonomy wraps up the particular with the general, while avoiding any kind of paternalism.
We learn from French Polynesia, a place about as remote from Europe as it gets – but nonetheless closer than expected – and from the German minority in Hungary, which has been drowsing in the oversize shadow of the Hungarian community abroad.
The book is a highly recommended read for all those involved in nation building or minority protection – or for those simply curious about what is going on beyond their own province. (Daniel Thürer)
Managing Diversity
Protection of Minorities in International Law
Thürer Daniel/Kedzia Zdzislaw (Eds.)
The protection of minorities is widely recognized as a precondition not only for the effective implementation of the human rights of minority group members but also for the stability of states and peace between states. The files of international organizations attest to how unresolved minority problems can tip over into conflicts with hundreds of thousands of victims, including internally displaced persons and refugees.
"Management of Diversity - a fresh look at an old problem" contains a position paper and essays by experts on minority protection. The experts consider different perspectives and conceptual approaches and analyze several paradigmatic cases. They believe that the focus should be on empowering ethnic, religious and linguistic groups, based on the free development of their identities and the promotion of diversity in a pluralistic society. They argue that enhanced protection of minorities might contribute to a world with less violence and poverty.
This volume combines international law and constitutional law perspectives, providing information, diagnosis and ideas concerning minorities situations. It is intended not only for specialists but also for a wider circle of readers in the hope that they gain insights that will enable them to find new ways to cope with minority problems in Europe and beyond.
Convivenza Foundation
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