Governmental Learning Spiral

The Convivenza Foundation operates on the basis of the GOVERNMENTAL LEARNING SPIRAL (GLSp), a theory-based multi-stakeholder method to create depoliticized spaces that enhance innovation and learning in political environments.

The Manual to our method can be downloaded here:

Raoul Blindenbacher, The Governmental Learning Spiral - A Method Designed for the Convivenza Foundation's Operations to Improve Learning in Governments, June 2021


Convivenza Foundation
c/o Hans-Ruedi Hübscher
Sägemattstrasse 82/41
CH-3098 Köniz
Tel. +41 (0) 31 972 22 83

Donation account

Graubündner Kantonalbank
Number: 70-216-5
IBAN: CH37 0077 4110 3938 6620 0

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